Wellness- und Gartenhotel Heusser gewinnt DACH Spa Award in Gold
Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass das Wellness- und Gartenhotel Heusser mit dem DACH Spa Award in Gold ausgezeichnet wurde! Diese besondere Auszeichnung bestätigt unsere stetigen Bemühungen, ein Wellnesserlebnis auf höchstem Niveau zu bieten und unsere Gäste täglich mit herausragendem Service zu begeistern.
Der DACH Spa Award würdigt die besten Day-Spas, Wellnesshotels und Thermen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz und basiert auf einem unabhängigen Bewertungsverfahren, das über 300 Qualitätskriterien umfasst. Von der Sauberkeit und Hygiene bis zur Nachhaltigkeit spiegelt der Preis die Exzellenz in allen Aspekten unserer Dienstleistungen wider.
Ein großer Dank gilt unserem gesamten Team, das diesen Erfolg erst möglich gemacht hat. Diese Auszeichnung ist für uns Ansporn und Verpflichtung zugleich, auch in Zukunft Wellness und Gastfreundschaft in Perfektion zu bieten.
Besuchen Sie uns und erleben Sie ausgezeichnete Wellness in Bad Dürkheim – wir freuen uns auf Sie!
We bear responsibility for successive generations and therefore reduced our consumption to what is necessary in order to strain the environment/climate as little as possible. Our first award has been accepted on the 18th December 2015 by our hotel boss Martina Berwing. In December 2017 we received the golden Umweltcheck award again due to measures implemented and could not be prouder of this re-certificate. The investment of the last years with regard to environment and climate protection has shown results. Practiced environment protection and economic success do not necessarily wall each other out but can go hand in hand.
The "DEHOGA Umweltcheck" is based on the evaluation of environmental performance indicators. The list of criteria covers the following 4 areas:
Each of the four categories require certain requisition and limits and determine the level of the award (bronze, silver, gold). In this process, the individualities of the establishments are taken into consideration.
Since more and more people want to protect the Mother Nature - taking care of our mutual future has become also our priority. 70% of all tourists place a great value on the healthy environment in the place where they spend their holidays. You, the guest of today, expect the environmental quality also in the hotel and restaurant. And prepared as we are, we're happy to give you what you want.
We have been honoured with the Level II of the Service Quality Title which makes us even more environmentally friendly as the hotel! Yet, there's also something YOU can do to support us! Together, we can help the Mother Nature... without giving up on our own good fun during holidays.
Here's what you can do for us:
On 11.20.2008 during the so-called Tourism Day in Trier, the Gartenhotel Heusser was awarded by the Minister of Economy, Hendrik Hering from the Ministry of Economics and Transport, Agriculture and Winiculture, Rheinland-Palatinate in Maiz with the title "Quality Service Level II" being a part of the "Quality Service Programme". Martina Berwing, Managing Director of the Garden Hotel Heusser, received the award for a certified Quality-Couch.
The Gartenhotel Heusser is thus one of the now 14 tourist service companies in the Rhineland-Palatinate which in the intensive process of self- and also external assessments have been rated as those who constantly take care and develop their quality managment even further.The Quality - Trainer like Martina Berwing unite all the employees of the facility as well as the guests and partners, in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and initiate the improvement process, continuously promoting the service orientation towards perfection.
The company Tourismus GmbH located in the region of Rheinland-Palatinate, promoted by the Ministry of Economics, by the action "The Service Quality in the Rheinland-Palatinate Germany " aims at improving the guest-oriented service provided by hosts and units offering tourism services.
Das Siegel zeichnet unser Gartenhotel Heusser als gastronomisches Unternehmen aus, das sich deutlich über das normale Maß hinaus in der Ausbildung engagiert. Wir bieten unter anderem Qualitätspraktika an, leisten intensive Prüfungsvorbereitungen für unsere Auszubildenden und unterstützen unsere Auszubildenden sehr individuell.
Die Auszeichnung soll Jugendlichen und auch den Eltern vor Augen führen, welch spannende Ausbildungsbetriebe in der Branche warten. Somit ist die Auszeichnung sicher eine wichtige Orientierungshilfe bei der Suche nach einem besonders engagierten Ausbildungsbetrieb.
The families Köhler and Berwing as well as the entire hotel team are very proud of this award and the praise we received by our guests.
Thanks to the reviews of our guests, the Garden Hotel Heusser was elected to one of the best hotels worldwide and the most popular one in the Rhineland Palatinate. Germany-wide, we rank 18th.
The HolidayCheck award is based on 950.000 holiday reviews from 2018 and is given to the 10 hotels with the best reviews in a region.
The entire team of the family run Garden Hotel Heusser is happy about the amazing reviews we received on HolidayCheck. Our guests are enthusiastic about our offers, service and facilities and we are enthusiastic and proud of the wonderful praise and appreciation.
These promises of quality are only an excerpt of the 23 main criteria which we meet as a host with the seal of quality for hiking in Germany. We further meet at least 9 of the elective criteria. Just ask us about our services.
The seal of quality for hiking in Germany ("Qualitätsgastgeber Wanderbares Deutschland") is an initiative of the German hiking association in cooperation with regional partners. You can find the entire criteria list, further information and other awarded hosts at:
Deutscher Wanderverband
Wilhelmshöher Allee 157-159
34121 Kassel
Wir freuen uns über die Auszeichnung von Travelcircus.
Anhand von über 25.000 Daten haben Wellnessexperten von Travelcircus in Kooperation mit dem Bundesverband der deutschen Tourismuswirtschaft (BTW) einen dreiteiligen Wellnessreport erarbeitet. Im dritten Teil wurden 833 Hotels in Deutschland auf Faktoren wie Kundenbewertungen und Preis-Leistungsverhältnis untersucht. Das Ergebnis: Ein Report, der den Lesern verrät, in welchen deutschen Hotels am besten entspannt werden kann.
Daher freuen wir uns sehr, dass unser Wellness-Gartenhotel Heusser aus den 833 untersuchten 4- und 5-Sterne Hotels zu den Top 100 Wellnesshotels 2019 gehört.
Unser Haus überzeugt in allen drei Bewertungskriterien:
Bad Dürkheim. September 2009. The Gartenhotel Heusser was extinguished as the Seminar Hotel recommended by the BDVT and rated as excellent. The award comes from the greatest and oldest professional association BDVT which unites trainers, advisors and couches of the German-speaking area, chosen after a survey of their members.
Martina Berwing from the senior management. "We are very proud of this award because it is based on the recommendations of the BDVT members, all the trainers, consultants and coaches gained on the basis of their own experiences and constitutes thereby a pure and sincere evaluation of our hotel. We're proud to hold this award."
All the hotels which may bear the name "Seminar Hotel recommended by the BDVT" have been in the everyday working life of our members rated as very positive, says the BDVT-president Holger Petersen. They take care of the environment, still being customer-oriented at the same time.
The BDVT is the professional association for coaches, consultants, and trainers and stands for over 45 years expertise in a personnel and organizational development as a partner for industry.
With this award, the BDVT provides all the booking persons, especially trainers, consultants and coaches with high security in the selection of hotels for the seminars, conferences and trainings, contributing to the quality assurance in the organization of seminars and conferences.